Tag Archive: Andrea Rossi

Mass power outages from superstorms no issue for cold fusion..

On October 28, 2011, Andrea Rossi demonstrated his 1 megawatt E-Cat system to his first customer, who had engineers/scientists on hand to test/validate its performance. Due to a glitch, it provided 470 kW of continuous power for 5.5 hours during the self-sustained mode.

By Sterling D. Allan (who was present), with Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News
Well, the big day has come and gone. Andrea Rossi’s one-megawatt-capable E-Cat cold fusion device has been tested in Bologna, Italy; and the unknown customer, who ran the test, is apparently happy.

There were some issues, so it couldn’t be run at full power in self-looped mode, but what it did do was plenty impressive.  Read more: http://pesn.com/2011/10/28/9501940_1_MW_E-Cat_Test_Successful/

Here I am with Andrea Ross after the test of the 1 MW E-Cat plant in the background.

Get ready to swallow it pseudoskeptics!

As today is the 28th of October, testing of the Andrea Rossi 1MW power plant has commenced in Bologna, Italy.  We await word of the success and acceptance of a device which has the potential to positively change the world in a multitude of ways!  Good luck Mr. Rossi!

From FreeEnergyTruth:

For more updates and information on this revolutionary, clean energy technology, please visit FreeEnergyTruth at http://freeenergytruth.blogspot.com/

Sergio Focardi answers questions in English regarding the E-cat tests of October 6th in Bologna.

Hopefully, the age of making war for control of resources will soon be a thing of the past.
